I will Kill You, Cel - Ultra Super Saiyan Trunks


Episode 163/148 - Perfect Cel Saga

"Save your Father!! Trunks' Fury, which Scorches Even the Heavens"/ "Saving Throw"

"Chichi o Sukue!! Ten o mo Kogasu Toranksu no Ikari"


USSJ Trunks - Cel Saga

the cel

1 layer, A3

Unmatching original background, no douga

added: 22-04-2018


the story

"I will kill you, Cel"


It's a pretty big statement and one we all know Trunks can't follow up, but he's sure going to try. Trunks has just ascended to Ultra Super Saiyan form after watching Cel beat the living snot out of his megalomaniacal dad. There's a lot of angry staring between Cel and Trunks after this dialogue, before they engage in battle. 


I've always wanted a cel from this scene and here it is. A perfect profile shot of ascended Future Trunks and his lethal hair. 


Never in a million years did I expect to win this cel for the price that I got it for. Granted; the auction picture wasn't very glamorous, and the douga was stuck to the cel, but if you want to play the Cel Games (hah! I saw what I did there) you have got to be able to look beyond the shitty auction pictures. I really expected it to go higher though, regardless of the pathetic photographic skills of the seller, but of course I'm happy I got it for the price it closed for. 


The cel is in pretty good condition, with some minor line fading around the armor and the hair. Background isn't matching, but close enough. 


Anyway, happy to add this baby to the collection of angry men with muscles. 


Now go Trunks, and save your daddy.