I Love You - Ahnas & Jil


"Whichever side wins, we have no place to go back to" - Ahnas, Princess of Itha


the cel

1 layer, A38

original, non-matching background, no douga

added: 02-02-2004



the story

I recently re-scanned this baby. It's from one of the most dramatic moments of the movie (and that's saying something for the whole movie is dramatic), but when I first saw it, when I was about 14, it made such an impact on me, I never forgot it. 


To emphasize the moment; as Jill falls backwards, he pulls Ahnas' turban with him, which unfolds and releases her very, very long hair to flow down, like a shiny waterfall, over her shoulders. 


It's a gorgeous scene, and of course, also very sad.