Flooding Itha - Izu


The unforgivable act 


the cel

1 layer, A15 Key

original, non-matching background, matching douga

Added: 12-04-2008



the story


I had trouble identifying this cel at first, but after rewatching the movie I found out this is actually a cel from an important scene.


Izu, led by greed and resentment, is opening the flood gates of Itha. An unspeakable act of betrayal and pretty much the turning point in the war between Paro and Itha. It's also the viewer's wake-up call that once heroic Izu may actually be the real villain of this story.


I was pleasantly surprised when this cel came in. I bid on it because

1) it´s a good Windaria cel and

2) it´s Izu!


But it´s a really gorgeous cel and in perfect condition. Considering it´s over 30 years old that really says something of the quality of this movie.